Tower And Swords 2.212 (Menu, Immortal, Unlimited Money)

Tower And Swords 2.212 (Menu, Immortal, Unlimited Money)

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Tower And Swords 2.212 (Menu, Immortal, Unlimited Money)
Tower And Swords 2.212 (Menu, Immortal, Unlimited Money)
Tower And Swords 2.212 (Menu, Immortal, Unlimited Money)

Tower And Swords / Description

The first step is to step out of the yellow energy circle, which is guarded by a group of magicians. These magicians are blocking the entrance to the tower, which is the next floor. As soon as the swordsman enters, monsters emerge from the door on the left and attack. The swordsman bravely wields his sword, one by one, and defeats the enemy. However, the monsters can also attack by shooting green energy orbs. If the player is hit by these orbs, their health will decrease. When the health reaches zero, the player is defeated and must start the game over.

To control the swordsman, the player must use the virtual key located in the bottom left corner of the screen. On the right-hand side, there are shortcuts for support items. The key is shaped like a sword, and it is used to attack and deliver a fatal blow. Below are various support items such as special moves and energy potions. Using a special move requires a rest period before it can be used again. As the player progresses through the tower, the surroundings are enveloped in darkness, and it is up to the player to bring light to these areas.

When a player successfully completes a level, they are rewarded with bronze coins. These coins can be collected and used to purchase advanced equipment. The swordsman can equip up to six different items, with the sword being the most essential. Other items include a spear, helmet, shoes, and jade ring. Equipping these items can increase skill points, which in turn increases combat power and reduces the amount of damage taken. The more expensive the equipment, the stronger the swordsman becomes.

During battles, players can not only earn rewards such as coins and gems, but they can also receive skill cards. These cards fuse with the player�s sword, enhancing it and giving it new abilities. Each skill is associated with a specific energy source, and every time the sword is used, the skill is displayed. For example, if the player combines their sword with the power of fire, each strike will produce sparks that burn their enemies to ashes.

As a level-based game, it is no surprise that players will encounter giant monsters as they progress. These boss monsters are much stronger and more cunning than regular monsters. They also have special skills that can significantly decrease the player�s health. It is the player�s job to avoid these attacks and use their skills to defeat the enemy. One wrong move could result in the player�s defeat.

As players explore the tower, they have the opportunity to collect various equipment. These items range from basic to legendary, with the rarest items being dropped by the gatekeepers and tower masters. Additional power-up items, such as stamina boosters and speed increases, can also be used to enhance the swordsman�s abilities. The unique aspect of this game is that players can capture and re-capture the key monsters multiple times. To join the battle and protect the thirteen towers of peace, download the Tower And Swords APK 2.023.

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