In Hundred Days, players will take on the role of a winery manager, left to manage a famous boss�s business. Once a normal office worker, you receive a mysterious letter one day, informing you that you have inherited a winery from a stranger. Excited for a new adventure, you quit your office job and return to your hometown to rebuild the winery�s production system and create a successful wine brand.
Your ultimate goal is to become a renowned wine tycoon with a large and successful business. However, as a newcomer to the world of high-quality wine production, you have a lot to learn. From understanding the production process to following a strict set of steps, you will need to acquire knowledge and discipline to succeed. As you progress through the game, you will experience firsthand the various stages of wine production, from harvesting grapes to bottling the final product.
Your journey begins in the summer of 2021, with an empty plot of land. Your task as the player is to build and expand your vineyards and wineries. Upgrading machinery and adopting new technologies will help improve productivity and efficiency. You can also expand your growing area and build more factories by purchasing new plots of land. As your business grows, it is crucial to upgrade your production tools, such as opening more cleaning rooms and workshops for maintenance and repairs.
Weather conditions play a significant role in wine production, and they will also affect your gameplay. To prepare for unpredictable weather, you can build a weather station to predict the weather and plan accordingly. Upgrading your tractors will also make planting and harvesting faster and more effective. You can also research and develop new grape varieties to offer a diverse range of products to your customers.
In Hundred Days, you can also promote your brand and communicate with the public through exhibitions, creating wine magazines, and developing e-commerce. The game also offers realistic depictions of the wine production process, with references to real-life wineries. From planting and harvesting grapes to selecting the best ones for production, every step is critical in creating a successful wine. Players will also experience the fermentation and aging process, which helps shape the flavor of the wine. You can also organize product testing sessions and receive feedback from customers to improve your products.
Once you have produced your first batches of wine, it�s time to bring them to market and sell them to customers. The reputation and quality of your wine will determine your income. With successful branding and satisfied customers, your business will continue to grow. As you progress in the game, you may even attract wealthy, high-class guests who will place large orders and pay handsomely.
Hundred Days offers various game modes, including story mode, endless mode, and challenges, providing players with opportunities to learn about wine production and business strategies. As you accompany the main character on their journey to build and manage a famous winery, you will acquire specialized knowledge and skills. Download Hundred Days MOD APK now to embark on this exciting adventure.