The story of this manga centers around the legendary martial art, Hokuto Shinken, known for its lethal techniques that can instantly defeat an opponent. However, this martial art has been forgotten and only one person, Kenshiro, remains as its successor. Kenshiro is also the main character in the Fist of the North Star series. The game based on this series will showcase Kenshiro�s incredible power and include many details from the original story.
The gameplay of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR involves pitting two characters against each other in a battle. The match ends when one character is completely defeated, as shown by their health bar in the upper corner of the screen. Players can collect characters from the series and participate in either solo battles against the computer or PvP matches with other players. The mode chosen will depend on the player�s skill and preference.
What sets FIST OF THE NORTH STAR apart from other fighting games is its automatic battle system. Players do not need to use virtual keys to move or attack, as the characters will automatically fight until one side is defeated. To add more interaction, players can summon teammates to join the battle, with up to 4 or 5 characters fighting at once.
The game features familiar characters from the manga, including Kenshiro, Bat, Rin, and White Water Bird Rei, along with many other powerful characters. Each character has a rarity level, ranging from N-Normal to UR-Ultra Rare. The higher the rarity, the stronger the character�s abilities and skills. Players can use these characters� information to strategize and win battles.
The combat mechanism in the game is not complicated but requires quick reflexes. As characters perform regular attacks, players can accumulate fury to unleash their ultimate skills. When light streaks appear on the screen, players can use their fingers to connect them and create a combo that deals the most damage. This also enhances the visual effects of the character�s skill, making battles even more exciting.
As players progress through levels, their characters will gain experience and level up. This unlocks new skills, with four main skills unlocked at different levels. Additionally, characters can evolve up to seven stars, making them even more powerful. However, this requires a lot of resources and hard work to achieve.
In FIST OF THE NORTH STAR, players can meet and collect many famous characters from the series and relive the dangerous world of Hokuto Shinken. Build a squad of powerful characters and embark on an epic journey in this mod of the game.