The beloved FINAL FANTASY franchise continues its legacy with FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS, a game that requires tactical intelligence and strategic formations from players. In this turn-based game, you must utilize a team of warriors to battle against enemies, with each character�s turn contributing to the battle mechanism. This classic mechanic will be familiar to fans of the entire Final Fantasy series, known as Turn-Based.
The story follows two knights, Rein and Lasswell, from the ancient kingdom of Gran Shelt. The two have been close since childhood and embark on a mission where they discover a shooting star containing a girl named Fina. Born from the Crystal, Fina�s task is to move to the temple on Earth to protect all living beings. However, the villain Velius of Darkness seeks to destroy the Crystal and the world with it. Rein, Lasswell, and Fina must find the remaining crystals to save the planet.
As they journey to find the crystals, the trio will encounter mysterious creatures and enemies who also seek to destroy the crystals. The villain Velius will stop at nothing to prevent them from succeeding, but the only option is to stand and fight. Along the way, they will meet new allies and strengthen their inner abilities to aid in their battles.
Their quest takes them to various countries and territories, where they will meet new characters that will play important roles in the game. These characters can join your team and fight alongside you, each with their unique personalities and strengths. From Lido, a skilled builder of flying boats, to Nikoru, a self-governing lord, and Jake, a leader of a rebellion, these characters will aid you in your journey.
In addition to battles and dungeon exploration, players can also take on tasks and missions in different locations. These missions involve solving problems within the country, selling goods to earn money for equipment, and gathering information through raids. The diverse mission system of FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS provides endless hours of gameplay.
As a spin-off from the main series, FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS pays homage to the beloved characters from previous games. Throughout the game, players will encounter iconic characters such as the Warrior of Light from FF1, Cloud Strife from FF7, Terra Branford from FF6, and Lightning from FF13. This adds an extra level of excitement for fans of the series.
FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS may not be an official game, but its gripping storyline and challenging gameplay make it a must-play for any fan. Take on the role of a hero and defend the remaining crystals to protect humanity and the Earth. With its classic 2D pixel graphics, FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS is a game that will truly immerse you in its world.