CatLife: BitLife Cats 1.8.4 (Top Cat acquired)

CatLife: BitLife Cats 1.8.4 (Top Cat acquired)

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CatLife: BitLife Cats / Specifications

CatLife: BitLife Cats / Screenshots

CatLife: BitLife Cats 1.8.4 (Top Cat acquired)
CatLife: BitLife Cats 1.8.4 (Top Cat acquired)
CatLife: BitLife Cats 1.8.4 (Top Cat acquired)

CatLife: BitLife Cats / Description

CatLife: BitLife Cats is a simulation product from the developer Candywriter. However, it will be different from other regular games in many factors. The most important is the text-based simulation with different situations. You will be interacting with text instead of too many images. But not so that the game lost its inherent attraction. You will feel even more fun with this simple gameplay.

To get to know cats better, you will be in the role of an ordinary cat. The player’s main task will be to observe situations and make decisions. It will be like the accountability questions you usually see in exams. There will be different options added below each question. But there is no right or wrong answer in CatLife: BitLife Cats. Only decisions that you feel are appropriate to use. What’s more interesting is that you can build your cat’s personality in any direction. Think like a cat, and find a new path for yourself.

The game has an animal hierarchy created to evaluate all surrounding factors. The animals in the game will be ranked according to their achievements. You will have to compete with other competitors to stay on top of the system. Players need to perform challenges to prove the importance of cats. You will lose if you let the dog or other species win more affection. The objects you need to interact with are your students or your boss. It can be cute, approachable, or anything to learn to like. Think big, and you will be happy for the rest of your life.

In daily activities, you may encounter the appearance of other animals. They may or may not have an impact on your life. But the cat’s biggest enemy is the dog, which is larger but less intelligent. You now have the choice of continuing to hold grudges or living in peace with them. If there are wars, you will have to make them loser than cats. However, if you live together, you will get many good benefits. Not every option is the best, and you can balance these two factors. But try to get people to draw the most attention to you.

Don’t underestimate a cat’s sense of smell, and they can smell many different fragrances. From there, it can distinguish things from a relative distance, but not as far as a dog. As you travel through places or interact, you will encounter new scents through your sense of smell. Can memorize and add to list to create a collection. Become a collector of favorite scents of all different genres. For example, the smell of wet dogs, food, fish, or fruit. There will be extreme odors, but only mild and indistinguishable aromas. You will find interesting things when you collect a lot of these unique scents.

Everything you do can create a perfect plan with a big goal. Show everyone around that you’re not an ordinary and lazy person. There will be jobs given so you can make the most of your spare time. After completing complex challenges, new achievements can be obtained. These achievements when you die will be honored in memory of your life. It is easy to leave others with memories that are impossible with other animals. Life may be short, but you are always a winner. A cat can also do miracles that no one can think of.

After playing CatLife: BitLife Cats mod, you will learn many new things. Meaningful actions and lessons will change people’s perspectives. From there, treat the animals around you in a better way.

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