Throughout history, humans have revered angels for their ability to maintain peace and harmony. The world has continuously progressed thanks to their presence. However, this all changed when a tragic accident occurred, leading to the banishment of angels from heaven by God. Stripped of their divine wings, these once powerful beings were now indistinguishable from ordinary humans. Despite this, their hearts remained dedicated to protecting the world. Join forces with the angels to overcome enemy attacks and help them reclaim their former glory.
The angels, who were once revered as the embodiment of divine power, were also known as the warriors who fought alongside God in the Lordorous wars. Their strength was rewarded according to their contributions in battle. But one small mistake angered God, leading to the punishment of these brave angels. They were forced to endure the physical pain of losing their wings and were exiled to the human world where danger awaited. Help these mighty angels regain their strength and divine power.
God, the ruler of heaven and the holder of the power of light, is followed by the mighty angels who possess divine abilities. These beings have always been respected by humanity. However, God showed no mercy when he banished these dedicated angels. Now, they must fight to regain their wings and their inherent strength by defeating their brutal enemies. Join the fallen angels in their quest to overcome challenges and reclaim their angelic nature.
The angels have chosen you as their companion in their journey to reclaim their power. It is a great honor, as they have always been seen as representatives of the gods. In the past, only God could accompany them in their battles across the lands. But now, they have lost everything and must rely on you to help them defeat the monsters that have invaded the human world. Fight alongside the angels and overcome these obstacles to restore their divine power.
Despite their defeat, the angels still possess powerful abilities from their past experiences in battle. As their companion, you will witness their strength firsthand. Although they may have lost their wings, they can still wield weapons to defend themselves. It will be your task to equip them with powerful items to use against their enemies. Through fighting and gaining experience, you will be able to find the perfect weapons to enhance the angels� strength and aid them in their quest.
You have embarked on a journey with these representatives of divine power - the angels who once accompanied the lord. Now, they have lost their wings and must find a way to regain them through battle. The enemies you and the angels face have stolen their wings of strength and are using them to attack the world. Together, you must win this war not only for yourselves but for the sake of the world. Download Angel Fantasia mod and lead these mighty angels in their quest to reclaim their strength.